Can a cat and a bear be best friends? These two are…

No one anticipated a wild cat wandering into the bear cage at the Folsom City Zoo, but that is exactly what happened. ZOOkeepers reported that a wild cat that was roaming around the zoo in search of food struck up a surprising relationship with the black bear, which weighs about 550 pounds.

Jill Faust, senior lead zookeeper: “Every morning, we spread dog food for the bears, and she began going inside the exhibit and eating the dog food. After she began to come in on a regular basis, we began leaving food out for her in the mornings as well.”

According to senior lead zookeeper Jill Faust, the cat was given the nickname Little Bear when zookeepers observed her following around a 550-pound bear called Sequoia. According to Faust, “Sequoia walks right by her, and she’ll stroll right by Sequoia, and they’ll remain quite near to each other.” Little Bear, according to the zoo, seems to disregard the other bears at the zoo, but she has a “special connection” with Sequoia.

The cat believes the bear is a large cat, while the bear believes the cat is a tiny bear…

It only goes to show that friendship knows no boundaries and can be found everywhere!

Watch the video to see what their friendship looks like in reality.

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