With the help of nurturing cats, three kittens get back on track and truly transform…

With the support of two loving cats, three kittens were able to get back on track and make significant improvements.

Three young kittens were brought into IndyHumane, an animal sanctuary in Indianapolis, Indiana, two months ago, and they are doing well. Despite the fact that they were scraggly and rough around the edges, they were eager for attention and shown a strong will to survive.

Most likely, the trio had been outside on their own for some time before they decided to come to the rescue of their fellow cats. Jenna, a foster volunteer with the rescue, described the animals’ condition in an interview. “They were really malnourished and dirty when I got them.”

The kittens were brought to Jennifer’s house, where she began feeding them every 5-6 hours with smaller portions to help the kittens keep the food down and begin gaining weight.

“Splash was the tiniest of the three kittens.   She also had the strongest stance. Spritz had the appearance of a small gremlin. She was the most energetic and enjoyed playing with toys. Squirt (the orange lad) had a thing for me and was infatuated with me. He wanted to be in my lap all of the time, purring his head off, and I let him.”

They were all cleaned up and back on pace with their growth after getting their digestive difficulties under control, according to the veterinarian. They were then ready to meet the two resident cats, Bear and Bodie, who were waiting for them.

Squirt, the orange and white kitten, swiftly transformed into a giddy love-bug, oozing with adoration and devotion.

It seemed like he was continuously on the search for snuggles, and whenever he came across the elder cats, he headed straight for them in order to get some instant feline kissing and cuddling in.

“He adored being hugged, caressed, and smooched by his caregivers. He moved up to Bear and smacked him in the face with his headbutt “Jennifer  shared with us.

Jennifer was found by Bear and Bodie while they were themselves foster kitties. The kittens seem to have a special place in their hearts for them, and they seem to know just what they require.

The resident cats showed the trio the ropes, taught them the finer points of feline etiquette, and showered them with plenty of grooming sessions throughout their time there. When the kittens were being purred over, they rumbled with their gorgeous purrs, indicating that they were enjoying themselves.

In this adorable video, you can see the kittens and their feline mentors:

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