A woman travels 500 miles to save an unfortunate cat she saw on Facebook…

This cat’s story is as heartbreaking and tragic as a story can possibly be. When the poor kitten was seen walking through an urban area in southern Greece, dragging his hind leg behind him, it was clear that he had suffered a shattered spine. He was also suffering from acute malnutrition. No one knows how much longer it would have taken him to simply give up on life.

A SCARS volunteer found him after seeing a video of him posted on Facebook, and he was rescued and transported to Athens for treatment. A blood test was taken, as well some x-rays done, and, of course, he was well-fed while he was there.

The fact that he had been hit by a car was unquestionable, and the extent of his injuries was obvious. However, with the assistance of these kind people, he was given a second chance at life.

Make sure you have plenty of tissues on hand before watching this video and learning his amazing story. Enjoy!

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A woman travels 500 miles to save an unfortunate cat she saw on Facebook…
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