This intelligent and funny cat goes to great lengths to steal a chicken drumstick…

Cats are clever, and we are well aware of that. Many people think they are intelligent, but not as intelligent as dogs. If you had any doubts about how intelligent cats are, we now have evidence to prove that you may be wrong. A new viral video of a cat depicts a crafty kitty attempting to grab a chicken drumstick via deception.

Everybody has seen cats begging for food, but this one takes things to a whole new level. It’s using a strategy that we haven’t seen previously, attempting to win the love of his owner before grabbing the chicken. The only thing he’s doing is being too friendly with his father, which was quite strange right from the beginning. He’d be an excellent actor in Hollywood if it weren’t for the fact that one of his paws not so accidentally touched the meat.

Nice try, but the owner didn’t give in. But still, we salute Joker as a rising star in Hollywood.

Watch the video to boost your mood.

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This intelligent and funny cat goes to great lengths to steal a chicken drumstick…
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