A stray cat jumps into the family car and decides to…

Melina Marama Waite was driving to drop her two children off at day care and her nine-year-old daughter off at school on a stressful morning when she suddenly noticed that a stranger had slipped into her car and taken up residence in the backseat…

“We were parked behind some cars at a crossroads when a small cat hopped onto the dashboard”, said Waite, who spoke to the media. “It came as a complete surprise, and I had no idea what to do.”

Waite was completely taken aback and perplexed when she suddenly noticed a cat sitting directly in front of her on the dashboard, and it goes without saying that the cat was equally perplexed.

As soon as the traffic started moving, Waite began to accelerate, and the cat tripped and panicked, attempting to grab the rearview mirror, causing my daughter to scream out, he added. “I tried to pick up the cat, but it slipped and raced to the back of the car,” I said…

Waite and her daughter got in their car and headed back home. Arriving at her residence, she attempted to wrangle the kitten, but he sprang from the car and disappeared into the darkness. But, to her surprise, he came up at her place the next morning and sat down to breakfast with her. He returned for breakfast the next day, and he continued to do so on a daily basis.

“He came back for breakfast the next day, and he came back for breakfast every day after that,” Waite recalled. “He allowed me to become closer to him with each passing day.”

Waite was able to capture the kitten with the use of a humane trap provided by a local cat shelter. She took him to the veterinarian, where he was checked and given a shot of medication. He was given the name Dash, and he is now safe and well within her home, thanks to her.

He will either remain with Waite’s family or find a new forever home elsewhere. In any case, no matter what happens, Dash has unquestionably chosen the proper car and discovered his forever home.

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